When we learn to control out breath, we learn to control our minds. When we can control our minds, we can take more control in our lives.
We can make the changes we want to make in our lives, by getting really good at controlling our breath.
- Breath is the one thing in our life that we can control at any moment.
- It is the essence of our being – the first and last thing we do in our time on this big blue planet.
- We’re always breathing, yet we’re mostly unaware of its tremendous potential.
- Paying attention to the rhythm of one’s breath stabilizes any negative feelings and calms the nervous system. Deep breathing can also build exercise stamina, boost the immune system, and clear the mind for better focus.

- When we slow down, we get to notice what is here. In this way diving helps us to be present. Sometimes, looking for that one thing means missing out on everything. Keep your mind on the dive, and dive in the moment.
- When our human minds wander off into a future that may never happen or dwell on the past, some of our precious attention is taken from what we are doing. To operate in the underwater environment, we need to be focused. Being aware of what is happening right now. Every dive is an opportunity to leave behind distractions on the surface and focus our attention on the stuff that matters.
Diving is a tool to help bring people back to the present moment and connect deeply.
Practising this often enough, helps us to transform from overwhelmed to peaceful humans.

It’s time to make unfiltered connections. Learn to dive and you’ll discover your ties with the sea, with your new dive communities and with your dive buddies – family, friends and colleagues alike.
By connecting to ourselves, others and the planet we live on, we can transform ourselves.
- By connecting to and understanding ourselves, we are able to share and explore.
- Shared enjoyment and common values bring people together.
- Connect with your breath by watching the bubbles. Be present with your own experience and maintain your focus. Diving can be your anchor, so that even out of the water you know more about who you are. The further you challenge yourself in scuba diving the more you can learn about yourself and what you are capable of.
- With every breath we are connected to water, and nobody feels that more than a scuba diver. As divers, we will go far from the shallows when it comes to connecting with what matters most.